Images Optimization

iSF optimizes images through AI-driven resizing, formatting, and compression to reduce their size and improve website performance.

To accomplish all of this, the iSF image optimization system uses a combination of algorithms and machine learning techniques. The system analyzes each image to determine its optimal size and compression settings, taking into account factors like the device being used, the user’s network connection speed, and the specific content of the image itself.

The platform will always depend on users’s settings available from the Dashboard such as standard compression values.

Automatic image LazyLoading is also available for Low Quality Image Processing, «above the fold» or background images, to guarantee maximum rendering performances.

Image Compression

iSmartFrame incorporates advanced image compression techniques to reduce the file size of images without significant loss in visual quality. By compressing images, the platform ensures faster loading times, reduces bandwidth usage, and improves overall website performance. iSmartFrame employs intelligent algorithms that analyze and optimize images, striking a balance between file size reduction and visual fidelity.

Responsive Image Delivery

With responsive image delivery, iSmartFrame automatically detects the user’s device and delivers appropriately sized images. This feature eliminates the need to load large, high-resolution images on small screens, thereby reducing bandwidth consumption and optimizing page load speed. By serving the right-sized images for each device, iSmartFrame helps ensure a smooth and visually appealing experience across various screen sizes.

Lazy loading

iSmartFrame implements lazy loading techniques for images, where images are loaded only when they come into the user’s view or near the viewport. By deferring the loading of images that are not immediately visible, iSmartFrame reduces the initial page load time and conserves bandwidth. This feature is particularly effective for long web pages or websites with numerous images, as it prioritizes the loading of visible content, enhancing the overall user experience.

Image Format Optimization

iSmartFrame optimizes image formats to ensure efficient delivery and compatibility across different browsers and devices. It automatically selects the most appropriate image format, such as JPEG, PNG, or WebP, based on the user’s device capabilities and browser support. By leveraging modern image formats and their respective features, iSmartFrame maximizes image quality while minimizing file size, resulting in faster image loading and improved website performance.

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