Dynamic Caching

All pages and resources can be served dynamically based on query parameters. You can specify all the query parameters that define the content of a page or resource.

Pages and resources served dynamically based on query parameters

The cache of a page can be made dynamic according to the parameters with which the page is requested, and it is possible to define white or black list policies for the same parameters.

Page assets caching

Optimized assets, like minified JS/CSS files or resized/compressed images, are stored in CDN nodes to be served instantly. This level of caching is active for ALL websites

HTML caching

This level of caching is optional and requires explicit setup. If active, iSF serves to the end user an already stored optimized HTML version of each website’s page. On the other hand, if not active, iSF retrieves each website’s page from the CMS origin, optimizes it in real time and then serves it to the end user.

Whitelist and blacklist

If it’s enabled Blacklist policy, all pages and resources will be served dynamically based on query parameters.
Otherwhise if it’s enabled a Whitelist policy, all pages or resources with specified parameters will be cached and served dynamically based on the parameter value.


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