CDN and WAF integration

iSmartFrame can easily adapt to the website delivery infrastructure, even in presence of a CDN or a WAF in several scenarios.

iSmartFrame platform can be integrated in any website infrastructure, without changes on your solution architecture scenarios.

An IT solution to be quickly configured without architecture redesign.

External CDN SSL Endpoint

• Low architectural impact on the current platform setup.
• No change in CDN WAF policy conFiguretion.
• “Platform integration”
• No SSL certification need
• Fit with any CDN
• All requests and responses use HTTP or HTTPS protocol

External CDN not SSL Endpoint

• WAF policy still in charge to the CDN, with no changes
• Low conFiguretion impact using XFF instead of IP field header
• iSmartFrame is the SSL endpoint, SSL certificate is required on iSmartFrame
• iSmartFrame IP addresses must be trusted by the CDN
• All requests and responses use HTTP or HTTPS protocol

WAF not SSL Endpoint

iSF will be in front of a WAF that have to whitelist the iSF IP. The WAF will check the headers X-Forwarded-For or X-Real-Ip instead of Remote Address IP.

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